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English version

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As written on the home page of this site, Pablo Picasso, one of the most famous figures in the history of art, once said that ‘Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up’ . Dissecting this quote a little, we could say that it represents a problem of the contemporary world. I think that in the chaos that exists around us at the moment and because of this constant thirst for money, we have forgotten to look in the mirror and understand what our artistic nature actually is.

    If you somehow ended up on this site, purely by chance or from a recommendation (although it is hard for me to believe that the second scenario is possible), I would like to confess that I started a real deployment of forces to unlock the artist in me from the state of inactivity in which he found himself for so long. I leave the reasons for another article, but at this moment it is important for me that you, the reader, know that I will try through this website to give you the satisfaction and reason to live in stories, whether we are talking about short stories or novels own, videos from different topics on YouTube, projects and tutorials or articles about life. I will try to capture your attention and raise you to unprecedented heights, in order to then offer you advice through which life can be lived, even the reality of our days, at the intensity we are all looking for.

    It is important to know that each article will include a comment area that I invite you to use to have a dialogue on various topics. For now, I’ll stop here. In the hope that there are people who appreciate what I convey, I would like to thank everyone who encouraged me to start on this path, with the promise that I will try to stick to this activity. Until next time, peace and love to everyone!

The author of the site – Emilian

Romanian version

Precum este scris si pe pagina de pornire a acestui site, Pablo Picasso, una dintre figurile cele mai cunoscute din istoria artei, a spus la un moment dat ca ‘Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up’. Disecand putin acest citat, am putea spune ca reprezinta o problema a lumii contemporane. Cred ca in haosul care exista in acest moment in jurul nostru si din cauza acestei constante sete de bani am uitat sa ne mai privim in oglinda si sa intelegem care este de fapt natura noastra artisitica.

    Daca ai ajuns cumva pe acest site, din pura intamplare sau dintr-o recomandare (desi imi este greu sa cred ca al doilea scenariu este posibil), as vrea sa iti marturisesc ca am pornit o adevarata desfasurare de forte pentru a debloca artistul din mine din starea de inactivitate in care s-a gasit atata timp. Motivele le las pentru un alt articol, insa in acest moment e important pentru mine ca tu, cel care citesti, sa stii ca voi incerca prin acest website sa iti dau satisfactia si ratiunea de a trai in povesti, fie ca vorbim de nuvele sau romane proprii, videoclipuri din diferite topicuri de pe YouTube, proiecte si tutoriale sau articole despre viata. O sa incerc sa iti captez atentia si sa te inalt pe culmi nemaivazute, pentru ca apoi sa iti ofer sfaturi prin care viata poate fi traita chiar si realitatea zilelor noastre, la intensitatea pe care o cautam cu totii. 

  Important de stiut este ca fiecare articol va cuprinde o zona de comentarii pe care va invit sa o folositi pentru a purta un dialog pe diverse teme. Pentru moment, o sa ma opresc aici. In speranta ca exista oameni care apreciaza ceea ce transmit, as vrea sa multumesc tuturor celor care m-au incurajat sa pornesc pe acest drum, cu promisiunea ca voi incerca sa ma tin de aceasta activitate. Pana data viitoare, pace si iubire catre toata lumea!

Cu sinceritate,
Autorul site-ului – Emilian

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Harriet Tubman

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Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor