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English version

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I think I’m not wrong when I say that we all have things to do that we sometimes don’t feel like doing, which means that we all have a cross to bear, and it is also said that hard things are given to those who can bear them. In other words, strong people are that way for a reason. There are long and hard periods in which we feel helpless and without the desire to continue. At that moment, if life were to go the way we would like, we could take a break from everyone and everything, we would take the remote control and click the Netflix button until we find a series that we like. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way, at least for those who weren’t born with privileges. We will have to keep fighting no matter if we feel bad, if we have problems or if we are sad.

    By creating this website, I wanted to share my passion for art with those around me. I know that at the moment there are not many materials available, but I hope that this will change soon. I will admit for the first time that I am currently in the middle of a writing process, at the end of which I hope that my first book will be published. Of course, regardless of the method, it will reach this site, so that you can all enjoy it. I don’t know how good or readable it will be, nor do I know if I have a talent in this regard, but I have a moral obligation to try.

    At the end of life it is much more possible to regret the things you didn’t do than the things you did and failed. In other words, regardless of past results or the opinions of others, try and you might be rewarded. And with these words I want to finish this second article on the blog.

The author of the site – Emilian

Romanian version

Cred ca nu gresesc cand spun ca toti avem de facut lucruri pe care nu simtim cateodata sa le facem, adica toti avem o cruce de purtat, si se mai spune si ca lucurile grele li se dau celor care pot sa le suporte. Cu alte cuvinte, oamenii puternici sunt astfel dintr-un anumit motiv. Sunt perioade lungi si grele in care ne simtim neputinciosi si fara dorinta de a continua. In acel moment, daca viata ar merge asa cum ne-am dori, am putea sa luam o pauza de la tot si de la toate, am lua telecomanda si am butona Netflixul pana ce am gasi un serial care sa ne fie pe plac. Din pacate, viata nu functioneaza astfel, cel putin pentru cei care nu s-au nascut cu privilegii. Noi va trebui sa luptam in continuare indiferent daca ne simtit rau, daca avem probleme sau daca suntem tristi.

     Prin crearea acestui website am vrut sa impartasesc cu cei din jur pasiunea pentru arta. Stiu ca momentan nu sunt prea multe materiale available, dar sper ca in curand lucrul acesta sa se schimbe. O sa recunosc pentru prima data faptul ca in acest moment sunt in mijlocul unui proces de scriere, la finele caruia sper ca prima mea carte sa fie publicata. Desigur ca aceasta, indiferent de modalitate, va ajunge pe acest site, ca toti sa va puteti bucura de ea. Nu stiu cat va fi de buna sau de citita, cum de asemenea nu stiu nici daca in interiorul meu se regaseste un talent in aceasta privinta, dar am obligatia morala de a incerca.

     La finalul vietii este mult mai posibil sa regreti lucrurile pe care nu le-ai facut decat pe cele pe care le-ai facut si au esuat. Cu alte cuvinte, indiferent rezultatele din trecut sau de parerile celorlalti, incearca si s-ar putea sa fii rasplatit. Iar prin aceste cuvinte o sa vreau sa termin acest al doilea articol de pe blog.

Cu sinceritate,
Autorul site-ului – Emilian

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.​

Eleanor Roosevelt

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Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor