Personal Projects

This is the place where you can discover my personal projects, whether they are from the IT area or from other areas

Mark Twain

“Stay away from those people who try to disparage your ambitions. Small minds will always do that, but great minds will give you a feeling that you can become great too.”


  • This was a Full Stack MERN Web Project called Cinematrix that was created for my bachelor final project.
  • The app was deployed with Heroku through GitHub. You can see the full code of the platform here:
  • Technologies used: MongoDB Atlas, Express JS, React JS, Node JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5 and others
    Environment: Visual Studio CODE
  • You can see the whole documentation clicking here (this is written in my native language due to the college programs)

Note: Due to some problems with Heroku website, the platform may not be active at the moment, in which case I apologize for the inconvenience. I will try to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Making a project map based on the way things are evolving today is not a fad, but a necessity, and this is not to prove to others that you can, but to prove to yourself.

You have reached the end

...for the moment, but don't worry. More personal projects will come soon!

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Thank you for making it this far! 🙂 With the hope that you have ‘digested’ a large part of the materials made available, I promise you that I will come with even more content when time permits. See you soon!

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor