HOWDY friend

This is the donation page

If you have reached this page, it means that you have liked the work so far and you would like to reward me with an attention, no matter how small. For me, any amount matters as it helps me to continue the work I started, so regardless of whether you decide to continue your intention or not, I will thank you in advance just for being here. I hope I won’t disappoint in the future either. 🙂

You can do this by PAYPAL:



LOCAL (only for Romania): 

To: Emilian-Teodor Rotaru 
IBAN: RO22BREL0005509181520100

SWIFT (International):
To: Emilian-Teodor Rotaru
IBAN: LT063250098779851797

Let's learn togheter

How dows it work?!


Easy to use

First, you have to click on the 'Click here' button and when the new windows appears, you can choose the amount.


Real Time payment

Then, you can choose from the 2 options: Donate with PayPal or Donate with Credit or Debit Card.


Instant confirmation

The last step is to introduce the required info and that's it! If you will encounter any problem please contact me or your bank.

Welcome to the footer

Thank you for making it this far! 🙂 With the hope that you have ‘digested’ a large part of the materials made available, I promise you that I will come with even more content when time permits. See you soon!

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor