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A story of success in Rotterdam

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Last week I visited a very good friend in the Netherlands. Rotterdam, to be more precise. (I wrote more about this whole adventure in the penultimate article on the website). In any case, this boy named Vlad moved out of the country more than a year ago to start a new experience. I admit that I have always admired his courage to start from scratch, especially in an environment that later proved to be very different from the one he was already used to in Romania. It was not easy for him to find rent, because there are some rules, for example the ratio of the earnings from the professional activity and the amount of the rent or the duration of the rent (because, I found out later, the rent for an indefinite period is not really practiced, as is usual in Romania ), but with all that he took his heart in his teeth and managed to find his way through this new world. He found a good job, made friends, found sports activities to occupy his time and most importantly, he managed to make a beautiful life exactly in the conditions he wanted. It is certain that he constantly wants to evolve, but the beginning is a promising one. Knowing all this, I told myself one day that many people could learn from Vlad, so I asked him some questions about leaving the country and the lifestyle he created in the Netherlands. (I use the term Netherlands because in reality this is the correct one used in the world. Holland is actually just a part of the Netherlands). So here are the questions and Vlad’s answers to them.

1) When was the first thought that you would like to start your professional career abroad?

    Ever since I was in high school, I had the desire to move and start my career in another country, I was attracted by the thought that I would be more independent and I would have to adapt, that I would be among foreigners and I would do my own course the way I wanted. I thought about going for undergrad but was undecided about the field and the costs made me think more about the impulse. In the end, I chose to start college in Romania, but a program taught in English, which I believe opened my way to this international side and made me even more curious. In the 2nd year of studies, I made the steps to go to the United States of America with the Work & Travel program, but when I had a little time left, the pandemic came and everything was canceled. I was disappointed, but I applied to the Erasmus program and was selected to go to Germany for a semester in the fall of that year, being very happy about this news. It was my first stage in building what I had dreamed of and once I got there and integrated a bit into society, I saw that I liked it and outlined the idea of experimenting in the longer term and possibly settling in another country.

2) Why did you choose the Netherlands and not another country?

    The Netherlands was not the first choice for me and everything came when I was looking for the country to study the master. I would have wanted to study in Great Britain, but because of Brexit the costs increased a lot, then there was Germany, I was already there but they had more restricted programs in English and the costs were higher than in other European countries. After further searching, I found the Netherlands to have a very good level of education and much more affordable prices, plus it was the option with a lot of study programs in English. That’s what I based my decision on in the end and that’s how I chose. I had never visited this country until the beginning of my master’s degree, nor did I know much about it, but it made a pleasant impression on me.

3) What were the first impressions there?

    I was supposed to start my master’s degree in September, but due to a situation with the cancellation of accommodation, I had to postpone it until February of the following year. I was left with the return ticket and I said to see the country at least for a few days to get an idea of what it would be like and I left at the beginning of September, landing in Amsterdam. The first thing I noticed was how kind the people were and how well they spoke English, even the older ones. Then I saw that things were set up, it was easy to follow the means of transport, to get somewhere, you felt safe and there was a pleasant atmosphere, the streets full of cyclists, waterways in all areas and the specific brick architecture liked. I could see myself living here, it was such a sense of belonging even without knowing their language, it gave me the impression that I could adapt without problems and integrate, which turned out to be true a few months later.

4) What do you think are their main advantages and what do you think should change in Romania so that we too can reach a similar level?

    I think the biggest would be the standard of living and the education they have. There are also people here who earn less, others well and others very well, but it seems that the difference between the social strata is not seen that way. The world is much more relaxed, they enjoy life in the true sense of the word and look for the activities that make them happy. You see all ages riding bikes, going for walks in parks, going to restaurants, and appreciating even the simple moments like a weekend picnic by the lake. They don’t think about what someone else thinks about them, and I don’t care about what the other person is doing and why they are doing that or how they ended up, which I really like. Everyone sees their own life, focuses on their development. They are happier and this is also evident from the statistics, they have the education on point, the infrastructure, the medical system. Of course, they also have their problems, but they don’t seem to feel it, the wheels are turning and the country is working. 

     I believe that in Romania education and our perception should change, it should start from here. If we don’t realize that we better use our time to do something in our interest and want to develop, I don’t think we will prosper soon. Maybe many would say that I chose to leave Romania somewhere else and live there, this being the easiest option and without trying to change anything about us. I also miss my family, girlfriend, friends and others that I had at home, but I chose to adapt and live in a society that already works, to realize my dreams and develop, considering that it is possible here in The Netherlands, for me.

5) I know that you have walked a lot over time. Is the Netherlands the most impressive place you’ve been?

    Through my more adventurous nature, settled down in recent years, and the fact that I’m a motorcyclist, I’ve actually been lucky enough to ride in several countries. I can say that the Netherlands is a compact country, with a very developed society and it is a very good country to live in. I really miss the presence of mountains, but apart from this natural element, they pretty much have it all and it’s impressive how they succeeded in managing the water and still do, using it to their advantage. You have places to walk, activities to do, you have the sea next to you, you can always take a day trip to Germany, Belgium, even France or Luxembourg. It is a travel hub through its geographical position and developed airports and railways, with connections almost anywhere you want. Strictly for landscapes, I was pleasantly surprised by Spain, on the coast of Catalonia, near Barcelona.

6) Are you thinking of returning to the country at some point? If so, what would have to change to do that?

    It’s a question I hear from grandparents or other people. At the moment I feel very good here and now, it’s what I wanted. I would like to explore other places, maybe spend some time in another country, this cultural experience is very important and to stay with people and among them, to integrate. There’s a big difference in visiting a country for a few days and seeing what it’s like and then having the prospect of living there, you see it with different eyes and it feels different. I’m not very patriotic by nature to say that I was born here and I have to stay here. We shouldn’t get stuck in certain choices and I think it’s human nature to discover. Everyone has different perspectives and opportunities. We must be open to change, not to get stuck in what we have and if it is not possible now to take a certain desired step for various reasons, to work on it and contribute to the achievement of our dreams and desires.

    And that was the interview. As last words, please not that you can find Vlad online on various social networks, which I will leave below, with his approval, and offline, directly in Rotterdam, where he is living his life harmoniously at the moment. I don’t know what will come next for him, but I have no doubt that wherever life takes him, he will do great. 

With sincerity,

Romanian version

Saptamana trecuta am fost in vizita la un prieten foarte bun prin Tarile de Jos. Rotterdam, ca sa fiu mai precis. (Mai multe despre toata aventura asta am scris in penultimul articol de pe site). In orice caz, baiatul asta pe nume Vlad s-a mutat acum mai bine de un an din tara spre a incepe o noua experienta. Recunosc ca intotdeauna i-am admirat curajul de porni de la 0, mai ales intr-un mediu care se demonstra mai tarziu ca fiind unul mult diferit fata de cel cu care era deja obisnuit in Romania. Nu i-a fost usor sa gaseasca chirie, intrucat acolo exista cateva reguli, de exemplu raportul castigului din activitatea profesionala si valoarea chiriei sau durata chiriei (pentru ca, am aflat mai tarziu, nu prea se practica chiria pe perioada nedeterminata, cum se obisnuieste in Romania), dar cu toate astea si-a luat inima in dinti si a reusit sa se descurce. Si-a gasit un loc de munca bun, si-a facut prieteni, a gasit activitati sportive cu care sa isi ocupe timpul si cel mai important, a reusit sa isi faca o viata frumoasa exact in conditiile pe care si le-a dorit. Cu siguranta ca isi doreste in mod constant sa evolueze, dar inceputul e unul promitator. Stiind toate astea, mi-am spus intr-o zi ca multa lume ar avea de invatat de la Vlad, asa ca i-am adresat cateva intrebari referitoare la plecarea din tara si stilul de viata pe care si l-a creat in Tarile De Jos. (Folosesc termenul Tarile de Jos pentru ca in realitate acesta este cel corect folosit in lume. Olanda – Holland la ei – este de fapt doar o parte a Tarilor de Jos). Iata asadar care au fost intrebarile si care au fost raspunsurile lui Vlad la acestea.  

1) Când a fost primul gând ca ti-ai dori sa iti începi cariera profesionala în străinătate?

    Inca din vremea liceului aveam dorinta de a ma muta si incepe cariera in alta tara, ma atragea gandul ca as fi mai independent si ar trebui sa ma adaptez, ca as fi printre straini si mi-as face eu cursul asa cum imi doresc. M-am gandit sa plec pentru studiile de licenta dar eram indecis in privinta domeniului si costurile m-au facut sa ma gandesc mai mult la acest impuls. In final am ales sa incep facultatea in Romania, dar un program cu predare in limba engleza, care consider ca mi-a deschis drumul catre latura asta internationala si m-a facut sa fiu si mai curios. In anul 2 de studii am facut demersurile sa plec in Statele Unite ale Americii cu programul Work &Travel, dar cand mai aveam putin a venit pandemia si s-a anulat tot. Am fost dezamagit, dar am aplicat la programul Erasmus si am fost selectat pentru a pleca in Germania timp de un semestru din toamna acelui an, fiind foarte fericit de aceasta veste. Era prima mea etapa in construirea a ceea ce visasem si odata ajuns acolo si m-am integrat putin in societate, am vazut ca imi place si am conturat ideea de a experimenta pe termen mai lung si eventual stabilirea mea intr-o alta tara.

2) De ce Tarile de Jos și nu alta tara?

    Tarile de Jos nu au fost prima alegere pentru mine si totul a venit cand am cautat tara pentru a studia masterul. As fi vrut sa studiez in Marea Britanie, dar din cauza Brexit-ului s-au majorat costurile foarte mult, apoi era Germania, deja fiind acolo dar aveau programe in engleza mai restranse si costurile erau mai mari decat in alte tari europene. Dupa alte cautari amanuntite, am gasit Tarile de Jos ca avand un nivel de educatie foarte bun si mult mai accesibil ca preturi, plus ca era optiunea cu foarte multe programe de studii in limba engleza. Pe asta mi-am bazat decizia in final si asa am si ales. Nu mai vizitasem pana la inceputul masterului tara asta si nici nu stiam prea multe despre ea, dar m-a impresionat placut.

3) Care au fost primele impresii de acolo?

    Trebuia sa incep masterul in septembrie, dar din cauza unei situatii cu anularea cazarii a trebuit sa aman pentru luna februarie a urmatorului an. Ramasesem cu biletul dus si am zis sa vad macar tara cateva zile sa imi fac o idee despre cum ar fi si am plecat la inceputul lui septembrie, aterizand in Amsterdam. Primul lucru observat a fost cat de amabili erau oamenii si cat de bine vorbeau limba engleza, chiar si cei mai in varsta. Apoi am vazut ca erau lucrurile puse la punct, era usor sa urmaresti mijloacele de transport, sa ajungi undeva, te simteai in siguranta si era o atmosfera placuta, strazile pline de biciclisti, canale navigabile mai in toate zonele si arhitectura specifica cu caramida mi-a placut. Ma vedeam traind aici, a fost un sentiment asa de apartenenta chiar si nestiind limba lor, mi-a creat impresia ca m-as putea adapta fara probleme si m-as integra, lucru ce s-a dovedit a fi adevarat cateva luni mai tarziu.

4) Care crezi ca sunt principalele lor avantaje și ce crezi ca ar trebui sa se schimbe în România ca să ajungem și noi la un nivel apropiat?

     Cred ca cel mai mare ar fi nivelul de trai si educatia pe care o au. Sunt persoane si pe aici care castiga mai putin, altii bine si altii foarte bine, dar parca nu se vede asa diferenta intre paturile sociale. Lumea e mult mai relaxata, se bucura de viata in adevaratul sens al cuvantului si cauta activitatile care ii bucura. Vezi toate categoriile de varsta plimbandu-se cu bicicleta, iesind la plimbare prin parcuri, la restaurante si pretuind chiar si momentele simple cum ar fi un picnic intr-un weekend la marginea lacului. Nu stau sa se gandeasca la ce crede altcineva despre ei si nici eu nu se preocupa cu ce face celalalt si de ce face asa sau cum a ajuns, ceea ce imi place foarte tare. Fiecare isi vede de viata lui, se concentreaza pe dezvoltarea lor. Sunt mai fericiti si asta reiese si din statistici, au educatia la punct, infrastructura, sistemul medical. Bineinteles ca au si ei problemele lor, dar parca nu se simt, rotile se invart si tara functioneaza.

     Consider ca in Romania ar trebui sa se schimbe educatia si perceptia noastra, de aici ar trebui pornit. Daca nu ne dam seama ca mai bine ne folosim timpul sa facem ceva in interesul nostru si sa vrem sa ne dezvoltam, nu cred ca o sa prosperam prea curand. Poate multi ar spune ca am ales sa plec din Romania in alta parte si sa traiesc acolo, asta fiind varianta cea mai usoara si fara sa incerc sa schimb ceva la noi. Imi lipseste si mie familia, iubita, prietenii si altele ce le aveam acasa, dar am ales sa ma adaptez si sa traiesc intr-o societate care deja functioneaza, sa imi realizez visele si sa ma dezvolt, considerand ca este posibil aici, in Tarile de Jos, pentru mine.

5) Stiu ca te-ai plimbat mult de-a lungul timpului. Sunt Tarile de Jos cel mai impresionant loc în care ai fost?

    Prin natura mea mai aventuroasa, sedimentata totusi in ultimii ani, si faptul ca sunt motociclist, chiar am fost norocos si am avut parte de plimbari in mai multe tari. Pot spune ca in Tarile de Jos sunt o tara compacta, cu o societate foarte dezvoltata si e o tara foarte buna de trait. Imi lipseste foarte mult prezenta muntilor, dar in afara acestui element natural, le cam au pe toate si e impresionant cum au reusit sa gestioneze apa si o fac in continuare, folosind asta in avantajul lor. Ai pe unde sa te plimbi, ai ce activitati sa faci, ai marea langa tine, poti oricand sa faci o plimbare de o zi in Germania, Belgia, chiar si Franta sau Luxemburg. E un hub al calatoriilor prin pozitia geografica si prin aeroporturile si caile ferate dezvoltate, avand conexiuni aproape oriunde iti doresti. Strict de peisaje, am fost placut surprins de Spania, pe coasta Cataluniei, pe langa Barcelona.

6) Te gândești la un moment dat sa revii în tara? Dacă da, ce ar trebui sa se schimbe pentru a face asta?

    E o intrebare pe care o aud de la bunici sau de la alte persoane. Momentan ma simt foarte bine aici si acum, e ceea ce mi-am dorit. Mi-ar placea sa explorez si alte locuri, poate sa am parte de ceva timp si in alta tara, conteaza foarte mult experienta asta culturala si sa stai cu oamenii si printre ei, sa te integrezi. E o mare diferenta in a vizita o tara pentru cateva zile si a vedea cum e si apoi a avea perspectiva de a trai acolo, se vede cu alti ochi si se simte diferit. Nu sunt de fire prea patriot sa zic ca aici m-am nascut si trebuie sa raman aici. Nu ar trebui sa ne blocam in anumite alegeri si consider ca a descoperi e firea omeneasca. Fiecare are perspective diferite si oportunitati. Trebuie sa fim deschisi la schimbare, sa nu ne blocam in ceea ce avem si daca nu e posibil acum sa facem un anumit pas dorit din diferite motive, sa lucram la asta si sa contibuim la atingerea viselor si a dorintelor noastre.

     Si cam acesta a fost interviul. Ca ultime cuvinte, sa stiti ca pe Vlad il puteti gasi online pe diferite retele de socializare pe care le voi lasa in continuare ceva mai jos, sub aprobarea lui, iar offline, direct in Rotterdam, acolo unde isi desfasoara in mod armonios viata in acest moment. Ce va urma pentru el nu stiu, insa nu am nicio indoiala ca oriunde il va duce viata, se va descurca de minune.

Cu sinceritate,

You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream

C.S. Lewis

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