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About my first novel 'Călătorie prin ochii unui anonim'

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More than 7 months ago I initiated one of the biggest challenges I have ever had to overcome. At that time, nothing announced the creation of a novel that would come to an end one day. I can admit that my initial thoughts were not directed towards the beginning of a writing of such length, and not even intended to be public, but the main purpose was a personal journal to keep my thoughts in their place. All I did was write pages that represented parts of me, nothing else. Everything changed when, as I was writing, fascinating ideas crossed my mind, and so at some point the idea of a novel was born. I admit that I was scared at that moment. And if you ask why, I can tell you that it was not my first experience of this kind. On the contrary, I kept coming up with notions and concepts that I wanted to share from a young age, when I was just a high school kid, but no such attempt managed to overcome the draft status. Nothing over 50 pages. That’s because at some point I got stuck or got bored or simply came up with something new and the old one disappeared. I assume you understand that after several repetitive scenarios that were not auspicious in the past, nothing announces that I will finally be able to successfully complete such a business. But it still happened.

    Last week I managed to finish the novel entitled ‘Călătorie prin ochii unui anonim’ and I can tell you that a terrible feeling of pride was in my soul for a good period of time. Not because I considered it a literary masterpiece (because I know I’m still far from that level) or because a large number of copies of this novel will be sold, but simply because I managed to complete such a hard task. I have gone through so many such tasks in this life since general school, then at high school, college, and now at work, but nothing compared to the multitude of emotions that I felt day by day working on my creation. And that’s because I put my soul and consumed every particle of myself completing a book of which (and I know I’m repeating myself) I’m very proud. Because it’s mine.

    Everything started with a dream, and that somewhere around the age of 13. I don’t think I was older than that. A simple child who wants to write a book. As I told you, I tried my best back then, but my mind as a child could not concentrate in a way that was too elaborate to capitulate a novel. So I gave up. But now I knew that I have more power. More skills. And finally, more determination. I just started to work on it without any other form of procrastination. To inform you of a few things about the work in question, if you haven’t already learned from the Facebook post about it (I left a picture somewhere below with the text there), the novel tells the story of a young corporatist who, bored by the monotony of his own existence, decides to start the adventure of a lifetime with some friends in a refurbished bus. And yes, I believe that the current manuscript differs from others by the unique perspective that the anonymous, the main character, whose name will remain a mystery to the reader until the end, offers on the world. The book is practically a combination of his notes in his personal diary, offering in the first person both his own perception on some conflicting topics in the community, with both theoretical and practical elements from his experiences, as well as describing the adventure itself. The focus is balanced both on the surrounding characters and on the self and the narrative. If the information about my person related mainly in the first part of the book is true or not and is the subject of my life so far, I will not answer, but this book deserves to be taken exactly as it is. A theoretical dictionary with a touch of fiction, a a combination that seemed too interesting not to be tried.

    As I wrote on the Facebook page, for the moment there are only 3 links where you can read the book (these can be found at the end of the article), the first being free, and the other 2 the amount of 10 RON (plus or minus, taking into account of taxes). I don’t want to force anyone to pay for the current content, which is the reason why I also used the free version, but if you feel that the work done is worth capitalizing, I am more than grateful for a possible purchase in the Google Store. One last point I want to touch on is related to physical publishing. Yes, viable options are actively being sought for this action to be carried out, but for the moment I do not have much information, and this is because for me this world of book publishing is very new, but I hope I will be able to settle in with the right. When I have more details about a possible publication, I promise to share them with you.

     In conclusion, I don’t know where life will take me from now on, but I know that I am very happy that I fulfilled a dream and a goal at the same time, and I feel that I can do much more in this direction, which is why I will always give 100% of myself to reach my real potential, a subject that, as a small spoiler, I touch on in a few lines in the book as well.

With sincerity,

Romanian version

©all rights reserved

Acum mai bine de 7 luni am initiat una dintre cele mai mari provocari pe care le-am avut vreodata de invins. Pe atunci nimic nu anunta creonarea unui roman care avea sa fie dus la bun sfarsit intr-o zi. Va pot recunoaste ca gandurile mele initiale nu au fost indreptate catre inceputul unei scrieri de asemenea lungime, si nici macar menit sa fie public, ci scopul principal a fost un jurnal personal care sa imi tina gandurile la locul lor. Nu faceam decat sa scriu in cateva reprize pe zi pagini care reprezentau parti din eul meu, nimic altceva. Totul s-a schimbat atunci cand, pe masura ce scriam, idei fascinante imi treceau prin minte, si astfel ca la un moment dat ideea de roman s-a nascut. Recunosc ca am fost speriat in acel moment. Iar daca va intrebati de ce, va pot spune ca nu a fost prima mea experienta de acest gen. Ba dimpotriva, am tot venit cu notiuni si concepte pe care am vrut sa le impartasesc inca de la varste fragede, pe cand eram doar un pustan de liceu, insa nicio asemenea incercare nu a reusit sa depeaseasca statusul de draft. Nimic peste 50 de pagini. Asta pentru ca la un moment dat ma blocam sau ma plictiseam sau pur si simplu veneam cu ceva nou si vechiul pierea. Presupun ca intelegeti ca dupa cateva scenarii repetitive care nu au fost de bun augur in trecut, nimic nu anunta ca in cele din urma voi reusi sa duc la bun sfarsit o asemenea indeletnicire. Dar iata totusi ca s-a intamplat.

    Saptamana trecuta am reusit sa termin romanul intitulat ‘Călătorie prin ochii unui anonim’ si va pot spune ca un sentiment teribil de mandrie a fost in sufletul meu o buna perioada de timp. Nu fiindca l-am considerat o capodopera literara (pentru ca stiu ca sunt inca departe de acel nivel) sau pentru ca se va vinde un numar mare de exemplare din acest roman, ci pur si simplu pentru ca am reusit sa finalizez un task atat de greu. Am trecut in viata asta prin atat de multe astfel de taskuri inca de la scoala generala, apoi la liceu, facultate, si acum la munca, insa nimic nu s-a comparat cu multitudinea de emotii pe care le-am resimtit zi de zi lucrand la creatia mea. Si asta fiindca am pus suflet si mi-am consumat fiecare particica din mine desavarsind o carte de care (si stiu ca ma repet) sunt foarte mandru. Pentru ca e a mea.

    Totul a inceput cu un vis din acest punct de vedere, si asta undeva pe la varsta de 13 ani. Nu cred ca eram mai mare de atat. Un om simplu care vrea sa scrie o carte. Precum v-am zis am incercat din rasputeri pe atunci, insa mintea mea de copil nu putea sa se concentreze intr-un mod prea elaborat pentru a capitula un roman. Asa ca am renuntat. Acum insa am stiut ca am mai multa putere. Mai multe abilitati. Si in final, mai multa determinare. Mi-am luat inima in dinti si am lucrat la ea. Ca sa va informez cu cateva lucruri despre lucrarea in cauza, asta daca nu ati aflat deja din postarea de pe Facebook referitoare la ea (las o poza undeva mai jos cu textul de acolo), romanul spune povestea unui tânăr corporatist care, plictisit de monotonia propriei existențe, decide să înceapă aventura vieții alături de câțiva prieteni într-un autobuz recondiționat. Si da, consider ca actualul manuscris se diferentiaza de altele prin perspectiva unica pe care anonimul, personajul principal, al carui nume va ramane un mister pentru cititor pana la final, o ofera asupra lumii. Cartea este practic o imbinare a insemnarilor acestuia in jurnalul personal, oferind la persoana I atat o perceptie proprie asupra unor subiecte conflictuale din comunitate, cu elemente atat teoretice, dar si practice din experientele sale, cat si descriind aventura propriu-zisa. Accentul se pune în mod echilibrat atat pe personajele din jurul sau cat si pe eul sau narativ. Daca informatiile despre persoana mea relatate in principal in prima parte a cartii sunt veridice sau nu si fac obiectul vietii mele de pana acum, nu o sa raspund, insa cartea asta merita luata exact asa cum e. Un dictionar teoretic cu tenta de fictiune, o imbinare care mi s-a parut prea interesanta pentru a nu fi incercata.

    Precum am scris si pe pagina de Facebook, pentru moment exista doar 3 linkuri pe care se poate citi cartea (acestea pot fi gasite la finalul articolului), primul fiind gratuit, iar celelalte 2 suma de 10 lei (cu plus si minus, tinand cont de taxe). Nu vreau sa oblig pe nimeni sa plateasca pentru actualul continut, acesta fiind motivul pentru care am folosit si varianta gratuita, insa daca simtiti ca merita valorificata munca depusa, va sunt mai mult decat recunoscator pentru o eventuala achizitie in Google Store. Un ultim punct pe care vreau sa il ating este legat de publicarea fizica. Da, se cauta in mod activ optiuni viabile pentru ca aceasta actiune sa fie realizata, insa pentru moment nu am prea multe informatii, si asta fiindca si pentru mine aceasta lume a publicarii de carti este foarte noua, insa sper sa reusesc sa ma inflitrez cu dreptul. Atunci cand voi avea mai multe detalii despre o eventuala publicare promit ca o sa impartasesc cu voi.

    In concluzie, nu stiu incotro ma va purta viata de acum in colo, insa stiu ca sunt tare fericit ca mi-am indeplinit un vis si un scop in acelas timp, si simt ca pot face mult mai mult in aceasta directie, motiv pentru care o sa dau intotdeauna 100% din mine pentru a-mi atinge realul potential, subiect pe care, ca un mic spoiler, il ating in cateva randuri si in carte. 


Cu sinceritate,

For now the book can only be found digitally and in Romanian by clicking on the buttons below 

More info about the whole novel can be found in the book section of this website.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.

Toni Morrison

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Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor