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About my traveling nature

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American novelist Erica Jong said LIVE YOUR LIFE BY A COMPASS, NOT A CLOCK, which would translate into the fact that it is not important how long you live, but if you do it at the highest level. I consider and have always considered traveling as one of the most wonderful activities that a person can do in life, and the reasons are certainly not hard to guess. I haven’t been able to travel as much as I would have liked until this age, although some would consider me lucky that I still managed to see 9 great countries, but I am thinking about doing it more in the future, as long as I am still at an age that can be appreciated as being part of the youth, to increase this number as much as possible, especially in the conditions where this planet has so much to offer. 

     I have just come from such an adventure, which is why I have been absent from this platform for a while – an adventure that proved to me once again the fact that you cannot limit yourself to knowing one culture, but you are obliged to discover as many. For almost 2 weeks I went outside the well-known borders of Romania and took the road to Holland (or better said, The Netherlands, because that is the correct way to call it), for an adventure with a very good friend of mine, Vlad. He has been living in Rotterdam for more than a year (on this idea, an article about his life outside the borders follows), and just like last year, I decided to be with him for a short period in one of the countries that without a doubt, I consider to be one of my favorites. There is no point in telling you about the different activities I engaged alongside Vlad, but I can tell you that I was once again impressed by the way this country looks, much smaller than the one I come from. If I am forced to summarize my feelings for the beauties that I have noted here, I would say that relaxation and a carefree life would probably be a large part of the mentality with which these people were taught. And no, it’s not just from the weed. 🙂 I’m joking, of course, but the previous point remains valid. I noticed inside this country a condensation of energetic people, who are oriented towards their affairs, who will not judge you because of how you look, how you are dressed, how you behave or how strange you are. It is as if everything I had seen before disappears and this happy and alive community appears, the secret of which I do not know at this moment. 

     I also had the opportunity with my friend to rent a car, and in this way I thank him for the courage he showed, and to see in 3 days 4 other countries that were nearby. So that I crossed the perfect highways and without the speed limit (in some places) of Germany, I admired the natural beauties of Luxembourg, I knocked on the door of the nebula called France and I ended the cultural adventure in Belgium. 5 countries, therefore, all belonging to the so-called Schengen Area, the one that has been talked about so much in Romania lately. We would have had the opportunity to join, but I can honestly tell you that we still do not rise to the level at which the member states present themselves (at least at the level of those we have already seen). Romania has a lot to learn, but who knows, maybe at some point, we will wake up and rise to a more Western mentality. Until then, we remain with desire. But enough about this topic, because I’m not exactly in a position to give my opinion about the political nature of things, and so I won’t do it. 

     There would be many things to say and it would probably take up good pages of a personal diary, but for the moment I will stop here, hoping that I have not unduly bored too many people. As a final tip, travel until you are able to write a whole book of events that took place in different corners of the world, and if you succeed, well, all you have to do is…travel even more. 

     I’ll leave you with some pictures I consider interesting from the 5 countries I visited (of course none of them contain my face, so you can enjoy what mother nature and intelligent people have built in symbiosis over time). 

With love and sincerity, 

Romanian version

Romanciera de origine americana Erica Jong a spus LIVE YOUR LIFE BY A COMPASS, NOT A CLOCK, ceea ce s-ar traduce prin faptul ca nu e important cat timp traiesti, ci daca o faci la cel mai inalt nivel. Consider si am considerat dintotdeauna calatoritul ca fiind una dintre cele mai minunate activitati pe care un om le poate face in viata, iar motivele cu siguranta ca nu sunt greu de ghicit. Nu am reusit in viata sa calatoresc atat de mult precum mi-as fi dorit pana la aceasta varsta, desi unii m-ar considera norocos ca am reusit sa vad totusi 9 tari grozave, dar am de gand in cele ce urmeaza, atata timp cat inca sunt la o varsta care poate fi apreciata ca fiind parte din tinerete, sa cresc acest numar cat mai mult, mai ales in conditiile in care planeta aceasta are atat de multe de oferit. 

     Tocmai ce vin dintr-o astfel de aventura, motiv pentru care am lipsit o perioada de pe aceasta platforma – o aventura care mi-a demonstrat inca o data faptul ca nu te poti limita in a cunoaste o singura cultura, ci esti obligat sa descoperi cat mai multe. Timp de aproape 2 saptamani am iesit in afara granitelor atat de cunoscute ale Romaniei si am luat drumul Olandei (sau mai bine spus, Tarile de Jos, pentru ca astfel este modul corect de a intitula), pentru o peripetie alaturi de un prieten tare bun, Vlad. Acesta locuieste in Rotterdam de mai bine de un an (pe aceasta idee urmeaza un articol despre viata acestuia in afara granitelor), si la fel ca anul trecut, am decis sa ii fiu alaturi pentru o perioada scurta intr-una dintre tarile pe care le consider fara indoiala ca fiind preferatele mele. Nu are rost sa va insir diferitele activitati pe care le-am trait alaturi de Vlad, insa va pot spune ca am ramas inca o data impresionat de modul in care arata aceasta tara mult mai mica decat cea din care provin. Daca voi fi obligat sa imi sumarizez sentimentele pentru frumusetile pe care le-am remarcat aici as spune ca relaxarea si viata fara de griji ar considera fara doar si poate o mare parte din mentalitatea cu care oamenii acestia au fost invatati. Si nu, nu e doar de la iarba. 🙂 Glumesc, desigur, dar punctul de dinainte ramane valid. Am remarcat in interiorul acestei tari o condensare de oameni energici, care sunt orientati catre treburile lor, care nu te vor judeca pentru cum arati, cum esti imbracat, cum te porti sau cat de ciudat esti. Este de parca tot ceea ce vazusem inainte dispare si apare comunitatea aceasta fericita si vie a carei secret nu il cunosc in acest moment. 

     Am avut de asemenea oportunitatea alaturi de prietenul meu sa inchiriem o masina, si pe aceasta cale ii multumesc pentru curajul de care a dat dovada, si sa vedem in 3 zile alte 4 tari care se aflau prin apropiere. Astfel ca am strabatut autostrazile perfecte si fara limita de viteza (in unele locuri) ale Germaniei, am admirat frumusetile naturale ale Luxemburgului, am batut la usa nebuloasei numita Franta si am incheiat aventura in mod cultural in Belgia. 5 tari asadar toate apartinand asa numitului Spatiul Schengen, cel despre care s-a vorbit atat de mult si in Romania in ultima vreme. Am fi avut si noi oportunitatea sa ne alaturam, dar va pot spune sincer ca nu ne ridicam inca la nivelul la care se prezinta statele membre (cel putin la nivelul celor pe care le-am vazut deja). Romania are multe de invatat, insa cine stie, poate la un moment dat, ne vom trezi si vom ajunge sa ne ridicam spre o mentalitate ceva mai Vestica. Pana atunci ramanem cu dorinta. Dar destul despre acest subiect, fiindca nu sunt tocmai in masura sa imi dau cu parerea despre natura politica a lucrurilor, si astfel ca nu o voi face. 

     Lucruri de spus ar fi multe si probabil ca mi-ar lua pagini bune dintr-o agenda personala, dar pentru moment ma voi opri aici, in speranta ca nu am plictisit in mod abuziv prea multa lume. Ca un sfat de final, calatoriti pana ce veti fi capabili sa scrieti o carte intreaga de evenimente petrecute in diferite cotloane ale lumii, iar daca veti reusi, ei bine, nu va mai ramane decat sa…calatoriti si mai mult. 

     Va las cateva poze considerate interesante de catre mine din cele 5 tari vizitate (desigur niciuna nu ma contine, asa ca va puteti bucura de ceea ce mama natura si oamenii inteligenti au construit in simbioza de-a lungul timpului). 

Cu dragoste si sinceritate,

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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step


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