there's nothing wrong in being a dreamer

Pablo Picasso once said ‘Every child is an artist; the problem is staying an artist when you grow up’. And this is exactly what is happening on this website, no matter if we talk about literature, painting, cinematography or writing code. Any creative manifestation is art!

Published Books
YT Videos

Welcome, you!

No matter how you got here, I hope you will discover a world you didn’t even know you were looking for and that you will always return with pleasure.


What you will find on this website


This is the place where I will present my collection of written books


This is the place that will include the videos from my official YouTube channel

Personal Projects

This is the place where you will find different projects that I am ready to share with the public


This is the place where you can find a new things to learn every time


This is where my personal articles and thoughts will be, so click here

About me

This is the place where you will find more information about the author of the site


This is the place that allows you to get in direct contact with me


A new subdomain is now available

Starting today, you can consult all of my literary creations in the new portal

Need Help?


Here are some questions that may appear...

Yes! For now, all materials available on this platform are completely free. 🙂

Yes, you can, even though I will not recommend unless it pleases you and you have nothing else to spend it on. There is a special page where you can do this and can be accessed clicking here. Thank you in advanced for this! 

Through the contact page, of course. Just navigate to this page, fill out the form and you’re done.

There is no sure answer for this, but I promise to do it as soon as I can.

Funny enough that you asked. This website was created with the help of and it is hosted by the HOSTINGER platform. If you want to check their offers, I would be indebted to you if you can use this link. Full disclosure, this is a referral link, so yes, for some action I would obtain a commission out of it, so thank you in advanced. 🙂

Not exactly. Many materials are “borrowed” from other sites for the purpose of creating the platform. If you want to find out the original sources, consult this page, which was created exactly for this type of context.

There is only one for now

It becomes clear that everything is done with passion when one man manages to do what a whole team would normally do

Rotaru Emilian-Teodor

Website Author

Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the written content on this website, including original downloadable videos and images, without the permission of the copyright owner.

So sit back and relax

Everything is on me…this time 🙂

Welcome to the footer

Thank you for making it this far! 🙂 With the hope that you have ‘digested’ a large part of the materials made available, I promise you that I will come with even more content when time permits. See you soon!

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor

Copyright © 2024. Rotaru Emilian Teodor